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Juan Camilo Valencia González

Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to the Republic of Indonesia and to ASEAN


Lawyer, Sergio Arboleda University. Master in Applied Political Studies, Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas, Madrid, España; and International Education for Public Servers, Societa’ Italiana Per L ´Organizzazione internazionale , SIOI, Roma.

Ambassador Valencia has 20 years of experience as advisor, legal consultant, corporate relations advisor, organizational legal strengthening, on commercial, administrative, and business topics.

Over the last 10 years he has worked in the area of commercial management, as project advisor in areas of promotion of direct foreign investment in Colombia for the hydrocarbon sector with Mexican and Venezuelan companies, guiding and promoting companies and ventures in the environmental sector for the transformation of solid urban waste and its appropriate use. He has also been professor in the area of constitutional law.


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